Sunday, March 11, 2018

Professional Vagabond... wtf?

So, I have signed up for The professional vagabond website before, I have attended the course and although it seemed very practical I just didn't have the niche that I needed to make it work. Thing is, I have always been the 'assistant' it is my job to make other people do great things and I'm really good at that. I can promote other people and their ideas and always find myself in a position where my boss thinks that they cannot do without me. I'm the ultimate cheerleader but never the leader. Is that really my purpose? To make others great? I believe in people and their ideas, why not my own? Maybe doing this would change that. Who knows but I'm willing to give it a shot. I will give this a go on my own and see how it goes, succeed or fail, this is my story...

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